There are countless more secrets to discover if you have the stomach to brave the dangers of new characters, brought to life by an ever expanding cast of comedic legends (Rich Fulcher, Reggie Watts and Justin Roiland, to name a few). Accounting is a noble profession. During your tenure with Smith & Smitherson, you will bare witness to the afterbirth of this new facet of human experience. However, it is not without it’s dangers. Here are some of the dangers you need to be aware of before entering Accounting+.

If you die in VR, you die in real life. Do not play after midnight. Some Characters may be unfriendly and not actively encourage you during gameplay. Achievements linked to unforgivable acts of human corruption. A soundtrack that is way better than a VR game soundtrack should have any right to be. Subtitles and Translations for 9 languages… Oh wow that’s internationally dangerous. The vacuum of space. Sitting and Standing Mode are BOTH available (and dangerous)!! And, unfortunately: The Cops.